Dive Deep. Break Free. 🦋

Are you torn between who you are and who you want to be? 

Do you feel like you’re no longer in the driver’s seat?

The 4 Stages of Self-Awareness course
was made for women like you.

A powerful self-awareness workshop for women of faith

In this self-paced, online course, you will walk through the 4 stages of self-awareness, growing more in-tune with your truest self each step of the way.

  • Confidence

  • Self-Identity

  • Fulfillment

  • Freedom

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Learn confidence.

When you were a kid, did you ever learn confidence

Self-confidence, like cooking or handiness, is a skill that can be passed down through generations. But, for so many of us, we never got a masterclass in confidence from our parents.

We’ve bumbled through our entire lives not really sure of ourselves, not totally believing we’re good enough, and not entirely trusting of our God-given talents.

This self-awareness course begins with a session on restoring your confidence, so you can finally step into the success, power, and freedom you’ve been dreaming of.

Focus on self-discovery.

Buckle up. This self-awareness workshop is no joke.

In addition to learning confidence, you will also look inward, often at uncomfortable parts of yourself, to identify where you can 1) improve and 2) show yourself some extra love and forgiveness.

Through thoughtful reflections, you will become better acquainted with your choices, triggers, and limiting beliefs. Then, you’ll declare a new vision and purpose for your life through positive self-reflections, affirmations and prayer.

Together, we’ll close the gap between the woman you are and the woman you are destined to be.

Enjoy freedom.

When you grow in self-awareness, you can do anything.

Sign up for this self-paced self-awareness workshop TODAY to get equipped with extra tools that will power your journey and shift your mindset.

As a student, you’ll get access to:

  • Our private community
  • A monthly Q&A session
  • A Love Like No Other 21-day devotional
  • Special offers on coaching services
  • Discounts on women’s retreats

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